
Foreign Language Teaching Relying on Literary Text




The traditional foreign language teaching is often only concerned with the surface structure of language, and using isolated words or sentences as the center to teach foreign language knowledge. After relying on literacy text teaching, foreign language pays more attention to the context which is focusing on understanding the structure of the literacy text and extending the background knowledge, so as to better improve the learners' English language communicative ability. Based on the overview of the literacy text, this paper conducts analysis for structuralism, reader response, language, literary criticism and other common foreign language teaching methods related to literary text, and has proposed the specific strategy for the application of literary text in foreign language teaching.
机译:传统的外语教学往往仅关注语言的表面结构,并使用孤立的单词或句子作为教导外语知识的中心。 在依靠扫盲文本教学后,外语更加注重专注于了解识字文本结构并扩展背景知识的背景,以便更好地提高学习者的英语语言交际能力。 基于识字文本的概述,本文对结构主义,读者反应,语言,文学批评和与文学文本相关的其他普通外语教学方法进行了分析,并提出了对外语中文学案文的应用的具体策略 教学。



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