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A retrospective audit of archived Laboratory data on Group B streptococcus in pregnancy at The Luton and Dunstable NHS Hospital, United Kingdom




Introduction: Group B streptococcus (GBS) is the most common cause of serious neonatal sepsis in the United Kingdom (Burns and Plumb, 2013). Public Health England (HPE) data reports that GBS disease cases are rising in newly born babies (Health Protection agency (HPA), 2012). This rising trend contrasts with the successful GBS interventions recorded in other Western countries where dramatic reductions in GBS disease are associated with their national policies that promote active screening of GBS bacteria late in pregnancy followed by targeted antibiotic prophylaxis (Heath et. al., 2010). The rise of GBS disease in UK born babies, in the era of widespread use of antibiotic prophylaxis, may be attributed to the lack of strict guidelines and the absence of a routine national screening policy for GBS in the National Health Service (Royal College of Gynaecologist, 2003).
机译:介绍:B组链球菌(GBS)是英国严重新生儿败血症的最常见原因(烧伤和Plumb,2013)。公共卫生英格兰(HPE)数据报告称GBS病例在新出生的婴儿(健康保护局(HPA),2012)中升起。这种上升的趋势与其他西方国家的GBS干预措施对比,其中GBS疾病的显着减少与其国家政策有关,促进妊娠晚期的GBS细菌的活跃筛查,其次是有针对性的抗生素预防(Heath等。,2010) 。英国GBS疾病的兴起在英国出生的婴儿在广泛使用抗生素预防的时代,可能归因于缺乏严格的指导方针和国家卫生服务GBS的常规国家筛查政策(康涅狄格医生皇家学院,2003)。



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