首页> 外文会议>World Congress on Heart Disease. >Clinical characteristics, management, and outcomes of patients with high risk chronic heart failure referred to a heart failure clinic in Saudi Arabia

Clinical characteristics, management, and outcomes of patients with high risk chronic heart failure referred to a heart failure clinic in Saudi Arabia




Background: Patients with heart failure (HF) have a poor prognosis. Heart failure clinic (HFC) with specialized multidisciplinary management programs have been proposed to improve prognosis. Purpose: We aimed to describe the clinical features, management, and outcomes of patients with high risk chronic HF referred to a HFC in a large tertiary care center in Saudi Arabia. Methods: This is a sub-study of a prospective registry, heart function assessment registry trial in Saudi Arabia (HEARTS) and included all consecutive patients followed in the HFC between September 2009 and December 2011. Only patients with HF who were at high risk for re-admission were enrolled in the clinic. We evaluated clinical outcomes including death and re-admission rates in a subset of HF patients followed in the HFC at 1 year. Results: 436 patients were enrolled with mean age 56.14±15.4 years, 71.79% were men and 96.57% were Saudis. Risk factors included diabetes mellitus (51.4%), hypertension (68.8%), and current or ex-smoking (43%). The main etiologies of HF were ischemic heart disease (37.9%), non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy (42.7%), and hypertension (8.0%). Symptoms included NYHA class III/IV (63.3%), orthopnea/PND (28.4%), and generalized fatigue (47.5%). Left bundle branch block on ECG was present inl2.1%, median NT-proBNP was 2934.37 pg/ml (interquartile range 2512pg/ml), and severe LV dysfunction was present in 73.3%. The overall 1 year mortality rate in a subset of patients (347 patients) was 9 % and the 1 year re-admission rate 37% in the same subset. The prescription rate of evidence based therapies before admission to HFC, at discharge from 1st visit and at 1 year follow up was 90%, 91% and 94% for beta-blockers, 79%, 80% and 86 % for ACEi/ARBs and 44 %, 45 % and 42 % for spironolactone respectively. Conclusions: Our high-risk chronic heart failure patients were younger, have high rate of DM, and predominantly have LV systolic dysfunction compared with developed countries. The rate of evidence-based therapies use was reasonable, but the ICD/CRT implantation rate was low. Further improvements in management and potentially clinical outcomes, are yet to be shown with long-term follow-up at the HFC.
机译:背景:患者心脏衰竭(HF)预后较差。心脏衰竭诊所(HFC),具有多学科的专业管理方案已经提出了改善预后。目的:我们的目的是描述的临床特征,管理,以及患者的预后与高危慢性心衰在沙特阿拉伯的大型三级医疗中心提到了HFC。方法:这是一个前瞻性的注册表子的研究,在沙特阿拉伯心脏功能评价试验注册表(红心),其中包括所有连续病人随后在2009年HFC九月至十二月期间2011年只有谁是在高危心衰患者再次入院时在诊所注册。我们评估的临床结果,包括在心衰患者的一个子集,随后在HFC 1年死亡和再住院率。结果:436例患者,平均年龄56.14招收±15.4年,71.79%为男性,96.57%是沙特人。包括糖尿病(51.4%),高血压(68.8%),以及当前或前吸烟(43%)的危险因素。 HF的主要病因是缺血性心脏疾病(37.9%),非缺血性扩张型心肌病(42.7%),高血压(8.0%)。症状包括NYHA类III / IV(63.3%),端坐/ PND(28.4%),和广义疲劳(47.5%)。心电图左束支阻滞存在inl2.1%,中值NT-proBNP水平为2934.37皮克/毫升(四分位数间距2512pg / ml)和严重左心室功能障碍存在于73.3%。整体1年死亡率的患者(347名患者)的一个子集为9%和1年重新加入速率在同一个子集中37%。从第一访问并且在1年的随访入场HFC前证据为基础的治疗,在放电处方率为90%,91%和β-阻断剂,79%94%,80%和86%为ACEI / ARB类药物和44%,45%和分别为螺内酯42%。结论:我们的高风险慢性心脏衰竭患者更年轻,有DM率高,且与发达国家相比主要有左心室收缩功能障碍。循证疗法使用率为合理,但ICD / CRT植入率较低。在管理的进一步改进和潜在的临床结果,目前尚未有长期随访在HFC中显示。



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