
Atchafalaya Bay Field-Raised from the Ashes




Atchafalaya Bay Field was discovered in St. Mary Parish, Louisiana in 1951 and produced for 55 years, totaling more than 88 Bcf of gas and 2,398,000 bbl of condensate. Forty-three wells were drilled in the field with 19 producing from multiple horizons between 11,000 ft and 17,500 ft in sands ranging in age from Textularia L to Upper Cibi-cides opima (Cib op). The field was taken off production in 2005 and remained inactive for four years. The Atchafalaya Bay Field was "raised from the ashes" with the completion of the Phoenix Exploration State Lease 20035 #1 well. The well was completed on May 1,2010, in the Lower Cib op sands through perforations at 18,256 ft to 18,328 ft, flowing 10,500,000 MMcf of gas per day and 108 bbl of condensate per day (Fig. 1). This resurrection began on March 9,2009, with the acquisition of a state lease comprising 675 acres at a cost of $296,680. The geological interpretation of 1996 3D seismic data within a proven field area led to the rebirth. The new discovery was made after an amplitude supported prospect was defined and drilled updip of the stratigraphic sequences seen in two adjacent wells that were drilled in 1979 and 1980. The pay that was encountered was not associated with amplitude event seen on seismic, but was found in the next lower sand seen in the well and had 70 ft of pay. Since then, deeper productive sands have been discovered. Six high-volume gas wells were drilled and completed in multiple middle and lower Cib op sands. The field area was extended 3 mi to the south and 4 pay zones were identified in the extension well with another confirmation offsetting the discovery well. An exploration stepout was drilled 3 mi to the southwest and has been completed in what appears to be a shallower Cib op section. These completions not only restored production to an abandoned field, but also elevated it to the number one ranked gas producing field in 2011 and 2012 in Louisiana in the Lafayette District. The 2012 cumulative production for the field was 27.7 Bcf of gas and 130,154 bbl of condensate (Fig. 2) Within 45 months from the initial lease in March 2009,2705 acres have been acquired at a cost of $1,144,898, followed by the drilling and completion of six deep wells that have produced an average of 134.8 MMcf of gas and 517 bbl of condensate per day (Fig. 3). High gas production rates and condensate yield allows the field to operate profitably at present gas prices. New life returned to this "old" field has generated more than $125 million dollars in gross revenue.
机译:Atchafalaya Bay Field在1951年在路易斯安那州路易斯安那州的圣玛丽教区发现,55年来生产,总共超过88英镑的天然气和2,398,000桶的冷凝水。第四十三个孔在该领域中钻有19从11000英尺和在砂17500英尺之间的多个视野范围从Textularia大号年龄上Cibi-cides OPIMA(CIB运算)产生。该领域于2005年脱离生产,持续无效四年。 Atchafalaya湾领域是“从灰烬中升起”,完成了凤凰勘探国家租约20035#1。井在5月1,2010完成,在下部CIB OP砂中通过穿孔,通过18,256英尺至18,328英尺,每天流动10,500,000mmcf,每天108磅缩合物(图1)。该复活始于3月9日,2009年3月9日,收购销量,包括675英亩的费用,296,680美元。经过验证的田间区域内的1996年3D地震数据的地质解释导致了重生。在振幅支持的前景之后进行了新的发现,并在1979年和1980年钻取的两个相邻井中所见的地层序列的定义和钻井更新。遇到的薪酬与在地震上看到的幅度事件无关,但被发现在下一个井中看到的下砂,并有70英尺的工资。从那时起,已经发现了更深的生产砂。钻出六个高容量气井,在多个中间和下部CIB OP砂中完成。距离南部的田间区域延长了3英里,延伸地识​​别了4个付费区,另一个确认偏移了发现。探索净缘被钻了3英里到西南部,并完成了浅薄的CIB OP部分。这些完井不仅恢复生产到一个废弃字段,而且它提升到排名第一的天然气生产领域在2011和2012年在路易斯安那州的拉斐特区。该领域的2012年累积产量为27.7BCF,浓缩液和130,154磅BBL(图2)在2009年3月的初始租约范围内以1,144,898美元的成本收购,其次是钻井和完成的费用。六个深井,其平均产生134.8 mmcf的气体和每天冷凝水的517 bbl(图3)。高气体生产率和冷凝水产量允许现场目前有利可图地运营。新生活回到了这个“旧”领域,在总收入中产生了超过1.25亿美元的收入。



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