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Automatic Color Palette Creation from Words




We present an automatic framework to extract color palettes from words. This is a novel approach in comparison to existing solutions, e.g. manual creation or extraction from images. The associations between words and colors are deduced from a large database of 6 million tagged images using a scalable data-mining technique. The palette creation can be constrained by the user to achieve a desired hue template. We first focus on single words and then extend to entire texts. We compare our results against Adobe Kuler, a widely used online platform of manually created color palettes. We show that our approach performs slightly better than its non-automatic counterpart in terms of user's preference rankings. This is a good result because our method is fully automatic whereas Kuler relies on users' palettes that are manually created and annotated.
机译:我们介绍了一个自动框架,可以从单词中提取颜色调色板。这是一种与现有解决方案相比的新方法,例如,手动创建或从图像提取。使用可伸缩的数据挖掘技术从600万标记的图像的大数据库推导出单词和颜色之间的关联。用户可以由用户约束调色板,以实现所需的色调模板。我们首先关注单词,然后延伸到整个文本。我们将我们的结果与Adobe Kuler进行了比较,这是一个广泛使用的手动创建的颜色调色板的在线平台。我们表明,在用户的偏好排名方面,我们的方法比其非自动对应物略胜于。这是一个好的结果,因为我们的方法是全自动的,而Kuler则依赖于手动创建和注释的用户调色板。



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