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Remediation of flood damage on the Toowoomba Range Railway, Queensland, Australia

机译:澳大利亚昆士兰州Toowoomba Range铁路洪水损伤的修复



The Toowoomba Range Railway is located on the eastern side of the Great Dividing Range approximately 110 km west of Brisbane, Australia and was originally constructed in 1867. This locality in the Upper Lockyer Valley is characterised by steep terrain with surface elevations reaching approximately 600 m above sea level. Following the flash flood events of January 2011, the railway sustained significant damage including washouts of embankments and culverts, failure of upslope cuttings, destruction of a bridge and damage to a gas pipeline. A geotechnical assessment was undertaken along a 25 km length of railway and over 100 failure features were identified as having an impact on operation of the railway. Twenty failure features were considered significant in nature and required engineering input during the remedial design and/or reconstruction phase. Initial estimates by Queensland Rail predicted a 3 to 6 month repair program. Detailed topographic information for selected sites was obtained by an aerial photogrammetric survey from a manned helicopter using the 3DM Analyst digital photogrammetry system. Reconstruction of the flood-damaged earthworks and culverts utilised robust solutions that could be implemented quickly and this typically comprised excavation of failed material and replacement with rockfill, installation of large steel culverts, and at one location the use of pre-cast concrete L-section panels to retain a steep rockfill embankment. A six week program of investigation, pile design and construction was implemented for replacement of the damaged bridge. The first train resumed service on 28th March 2011, about two and a half months after the flood, which was well ahead of schedule.
机译:Toowoomba Range Railway位于澳大利亚布里斯班以西大约110公里的大型分界场的东侧,最初于1867年建造。上洛克白谷的这一位置的特点是陡峭地形,表面高度达到600米海平面。在2011年1月的闪存洪水事件之后,铁路遭受了显着的损害,包括堤防和涵洞的冲洗,上升压板,桥梁破坏以及对天然气管道的损坏。沿着岩土性评估沿着25公里长的铁路,超过100种故障特征被确定为对铁路运营产生影响。在补救设计和/或重建阶段期间,20个失败特征在性质中被认为是显着的,并且需要工程输入。 Queensland Rail的初始估计预测了3到6个月的修复程序。使用3DM分析师数码摄影测量系统,由载人直升机的空中摄影测量调查获得了所选网站的详细地形信息。洪水损坏的土方制品和涵洞的重建利用了可以快速实施的强大的解决方案,这通常包括挖掘材料的挖掘,并用堆填,大型钢涵洞安装,以及使用预浇铸混凝土L-部分的使用面板保留陡峭的堆石路堤。为更换损坏的桥梁实施了六周的调查,桩设计和施工计划。第一列火车于2011年3月28日恢复了服务,洪水大约两天半月,这提前了。



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