首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing Science and Measuring Technology >Study on Methods for Fish-eye Image Correction Based on Spherical Projection Model

Study on Methods for Fish-eye Image Correction Based on Spherical Projection Model




For short focal length and large field of view, fish-eye lens has been widely applied in such fields as virtual reality, video surveillance, intelligent transportation and robot navigation, but it is necessary to correct the severely distorted images taken by camera with fish-eye lens into the perspective projection images that are visually perceived by human. The 3D fish-eye image correction projects the pixel points of fish-eye image into the space and then maps them into the corrected image based on the correction model. Considering the shortcomings of existing algorithms for extracting the effective region, this paper proposes an improved algorithm for such purpose to ensure both accuracy and efficiency, and presents the fish-eye image correction from the approach of 3D space.
机译:对于短焦距和大型视野,鱼眼镜片已被广泛应用于虚拟现实,视频监控,智能运输和机器人导航等领域,但有必要纠正与鱼相机拍摄的严重扭曲的图像 - 眼镜进入透视投影图像,这些图像被人类视觉上感知。 3D鱼眼图像校正将鱼眼图像的像素点投射到空间中,然后基于校正模型将它们映射到校正图像中。考虑到用于提取有效区域的现有算法的缺点,本文提出了一种改进的算法,以确保精度和效率,并呈现来自3D空间的方法的鱼眼图像校正。



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