
AEgArOn - Ancient Egyptian Architecture Online

机译:Aegaron - 古埃及建筑在线



AEgArOn is an international three-year project striving for the open access online publication of high-quality plans and architectural drawings of ancient Egyptian buildings. These will give a globally accessible and reliable overview of the Pharaonic architecture including all major ancient Egyptian periods and building types. Moreover, the information is researched in detail, collected from the best available sources, combined in redrawn CAD-plans, checked on-site, and accounted for in extensive metadata. As a rule, actual state- and reconstruction-plans are provided, often complemented by plans of building-phases. Newly developed drawing conventions allow for immediate understanding and comparison between monuments. Long term sustainability and maintenance is ensured by incorporation into the UCLA Digital Library, Since starting in October 2009, and after six months eighteen PDF-files of five buildings have been completed and published online.
机译:Aegaron是一个国际三年项目,追求古埃及建筑的高质量计划和建筑图纸的开放式网路出版物。这些将提供全球可访问和可靠的概述,包括所有主要古埃及时期和建筑类型。此外,从最佳可用源收集的详细研究了该信息,组合在Redrawn CAD-Plans中,在现场检查,并在广泛的元数据中占用。通常,提供实际的国家和重建计划,通常由建筑阶段的计划补充。新开发的绘图惯例允许立即了解纪念碑之间的理解和比较。通过纳入UCLA数字图书馆以来,确保了长期可持续性和维护,自2009年10月开始,六个月后,五个建筑物的第十八个PDF文件已经完成并在线发布。



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