
The Constellation-X Observatory




The Constellation-X Observatory is currently planned as NASA's next major X-ray observatory to be launched towardsthe end of the next decade. The driving science goals for the mission are to: 1) Trace the evolution of Black Holes withcosmic time and determine their contribution to the energy output of the Universe; 2) Observe matter spiraling intoBlack Holes to test the predictions of General Relativity; 3) Use galaxy clusters to trace the locations of Dark Matter andfollow the formation of structure as a function of distance; 4) Search for the missing baryonic matter; 5) Directly observethe dynamics of Cosmic Feedback to test models for galaxy formation; 6) Observe the creation and dispersion of theelements in supernovae; and 7) Precisely constrain the equation of state of neutron stars. To achieve these science goalsrequires high resolution (R > 1250) X-ray spectroscopy with 100 times the throughput of the Chandra and XMM-Newton. The Constellation-X Observatory will achieve this requirement with a combination of four large X-raytelescopes on a single satellite operating in the 0.25 to 10 keV range. These telescopes will feed X-ray micro-calorimeterarrays and grating spectrometers. A hard X-ray telescope system will provide coverage up to at least 40 keV. Wedescribe the mission science drivers and the mission implementation approach.
机译:Constellation-X天文台目前计划作为NASA的下一个主要的X射线天文台,在未来十年的结束时推出。特派团的驾驶科学目标是:1)追踪黑洞的演变,并确定他们对宇宙能量输出的贡献; 2)观察物质螺旋形孔,以测试一般相对性的预测; 3)使用Galaxy Clusters追踪暗物质的位置,并以距离的函数义的形成结构; 4)寻找缺少的放静克物质; 5)直接观察宇宙反馈的动态,以测试Galaxy形成的测试模型; 6)观察Supernovae中药物的创作和分散; 7)精确地限制了中子恒星状态的等式。为了实现这些科学的GOALSREREQUIRE高分辨率(r> 1250)X射线光谱,100倍的CHANDRA和XMM-NEWTON的吞吐量。 Constellation-X天文台将通过在0.25至10keV范围内操作的单个卫星上的四个大X-raytelescopes的组合来实现这一要求。这些望远镜将馈送X射线微量热量计阵列和光栅光谱仪。硬X射线望远镜系统将提供高达40 kev的覆盖范围。婚姻使命科学司机和使命实施方法。



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