
Nano-explosions in porous silicon




The explosive properties of porous-silicon, impregnated with an oxidant, were researched. The electrochemical etching of porous silicon layers was investigated, and a porous layer structural model is proposed to model the pore and crystallite dimensions of the porous layer. A gravimetric experimental technique is described whereby the pore dimensions and specific surface area can be determined. A new relationship between pore size and specific surface area was established. The types of oxidants and their properties, as well as the impregnation of the porous layers by different oxidants, were researched. It was observed that the filling of the pores by the oxidant is a function of pore diameter, specific surface area and type of oxidant used. The experimentally observed explosive properties are a function of silicon resistivity, porous layer porosity and pore dimensions. It was found that there is an optimum pore size for the most energetic explosion. Future applications for this new technology are proposed.


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