
A Nanocontact Sensor for Heavy Metal Ion Detections




The ability to detect trace amount of metal ions is important because of the toxicity of heavy metal ions on a broad range of living organisms and the consequence of heavy metals not being biodegradable. To dale, heavy metals in environment are usually measured with spectroscopic techniques, which require samples to be collected and transported to the laboratory for analysis. In situ measurements are highly desirable because they provide an early detection of trace metal contaminants while minimizing errors, labor and cost associated with collection, transport, and storage of samples for subsequent laboratory analysis. One of the promising in situ sensors is based on anodic stripping voltammetry.(l-5) To achieve detection limits of trace elements in the ug/L to ng/L range, a preconcentration or separation technique is normally required, in which metal ions are electrochemically deposited onto a Hg electrode. Following the preconcentration, the electrode potential is scanned to a more positive value to oxidize and strip the deposited metals from the electrode. The oxidation current reaches a peak at a potential characteristic of the metal, which provides the identity of the metal. Other methods include fluorescence-detection,(6-I2) porphyrin derivatives as complexing agent,(7) array-based sensors,(13, 14) magnetic effects,(15) ion-sensitive field effect transistors( 16) and microfabricated cantilevers.(17, 18) While each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, a simple and inexpensive yet reliable and sensitive sensor requires further effort.
机译:检测痕量金属离子的能力是重要的,因为重金属离子对广泛的生物体上的毒性以及重金属不可生物降解的重质金属的后果。对于戴尔,环境中的重金属通常用光谱技术测量,需要收集样品并将样品运输到实验室以进行分析。在原位测量是非常理想的,因为它们提供了痕量金属污染物的早期检测,同时最小化与收集,运输和储存相关的误差,劳动力和成本用于随后的实验室分析。原位传感器的一个承诺是基于阳极剥离伏安法。(L-5)为了在UG / L至NG / L范围内实现痕量元素的检测限,通常需要预浓缩或分离技术,其中金属离子电化学沉积在Hg电极上。在预浓缩之后,将电极电位扫描到更高的阳性值以氧化并从电极中覆盖沉积的金属。氧化电流在金属的潜在特征处达到峰值,其提供金属的身份。其他方法包括荧光检测,(6-I2)卟啉衍生物作为络合剂,(7)基于阵列的传感器,(13,14)磁效应,(15)离子敏感场效应晶体管(16)和微涡旋悬臂。 (17,18)虽然每种方法都有自己的优缺点,但简单且廉价且可靠且敏感的传感器需要进一步努力。



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