
The Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar




The Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar was started as an initiative to increase attention and appreciation for the accomplishments of outstanding young scientists worldwide. Nearing its 30"' anniversary in 2005, SIYSS has established itself as one of the foremost international youth scientific activity weeks, open to students of ages 18-26 years who have excelled within the realm of natural sciences. The participants, influenced intellectually and socially by this potent experience paralleling the Nobel Week, are readily inspired to serve as role models for younger talents they may come in contact with. Locally, Swedish students are encouraged by the seminar and its participants, to explore the vast opportunities available to them in science and technology while supporting organizations (governmental, academic, non-profit etc.) are made aware of the tremendous talents of young people across the globe. The SIYSS continuously strives toward enabling an even greater dissemination of inspiring influence on youth research training, talent recruitment, public awareness as well as cultural and multinational exchange.



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