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From graduate students to faculty: portraits of balance in the professional development plans of engineering graduate students




The job of a college engineering faculty member is multifaceted. Faculty are not only expected to teach and conduct research but also to write proposals, consult, network, engage in administrative duties, and the list continues. The relative importance and time allocated to these different functions vary according to the nature and focus of the institution and the interests of the faculty. However, engineering graduate students aspiring to careers in academe are not usually trained in the multiple facets of the profession. As a result, when they become faculty members they often struggle to find ways to balance the parallel and many times competing demands of these functions. This paper examines the professional development plans of six engineering graduate students with a marked interest in an academic career. These plans are one of the major deliverables of a three-credit graduate course at a large, research-intensive university. The overarching goal of this course, as stated on its syllabus, is to provide students with an opportunity to learn and practice the skills that complement and enhance classroom teaching and learning in a tenure-track faculty position, either at a research-intensive university or at an institution that focuses on undergraduate engineering education. The research questions that orientate the study are: What do the professional development plans of engineering graduate students portray about their striving for balance in their future faculty careers? How does writing a professional development plan with expert guidance in a formal class help these students prepare for a faculty position? The analysis of students' professional development plans as qualitative artifacts, under the lens of expectations and values, reveals a wide variety of approaches to the role of faculty. Subsequent individual reflection on these plans allowed researchers to gather insights into why students chose to focus on different perspectives of the faculty job. Finally, a follow-up group conversation with the students shows that beneath these different perceptions and expectations lies the idea of balance, evolved and transformed by the discussions and activities of the course.
机译:大学工程学院成员的工作是多方面的。教师不仅预计教学和开展研究,还要撰写提案,咨询,网络,从事行政职责,并持续。分配给这些不同功能的相对重要性和时间根据机构的性质和焦点和教师的利益而变化。然而,工程研究生渴望在学术界致力于职业的职业生涯通常不受专业的多个方面培训。因此,当他们成为教师成员时,他们常常努力寻找平衡并行的方法和许多竞争这些功能的需求。本文探讨了六个工程研究生的专业发展计划,对学术职业有明显的兴趣。这些计划是一所大型研究 - 密集型大学三学分研究生课程的主要可交付成果之一。本课程的总体目标,如其课程大纲在一起,是为学生提供学习和实践在一个研究密集型大学或在一个研究密集型大学的课程教职职位的技能和提升课堂教学和学习的技能在一个专注于本科工程教育的机构。定向研究的研究问题是:工程研究生的专业发展计划在未来的教职员职业生涯中追求平衡的追求什么?如何在正式课堂上撰写专业发展计划的专业发展计划帮助这些学生为教职员工准备?学生的专业发展计划分析为定性文物,在期望和价值观的镜片下,揭示了各种各样的教师角色的方法。随后对这些计划的个人反思允许研究人员收集洞察,为什么学生选择专注于教师工作的不同观点。最后,与学生的后续组谈话表明,在这些不同的看法和期望下方呈现了平衡的想法,通过课程的讨论和活动发展和改变。



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