首页> 外文会议>American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition >Designing a Sustainable Large-scale Project-based Learning (PBL) Experience for Juniors in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Designing a Sustainable Large-scale Project-based Learning (PBL) Experience for Juniors in Electrical and Computer Engineering




This paper presents a large-scale Project-Based Learning (PBL) curriculum that can handle 200 students per year without requiring an undue commitment of faculty or teaching-assistant time. The following strategies were used to attain the student benefits of the PBL curriculum while accommodating a large number of students and while keeping the faculty and teaching-assistant commitments to reasonable levels. (1) A top-level hardware/software specification of the system (laser-tag) is provided to the students. (2) Students must test their software and hardware using both their own methods and with provided test software and hardware fixtures. (3) How-to and demonstration videos are provided via a dedicated youTube channel. (4) Students implement the system by completing a series of scheduled milestones. (5) The same PBL project is completed every year. This large scale PBL curriculum is conducted during the junior year and has been in place for several years in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.
机译:本文介绍了一个大型项目的学习(PBL)课程,可以每年处理200名学生,而不需要承诺教师或教学助理时间。以下策略被用来达到PBL课程的学生福利,同时容纳大量学生,同时将教师和教学助理承诺保持合理的水平。 (1)向学生提供系统(激光标签)的顶级硬件/软件规范。 (2)学生必须使用自己的方法和提供的测试软件和硬件夹具测试其软件和硬件。 (3)通过专用YouTube频道提供How-to和演示视频。 (4)学生通过完成一系列预定的里程碑来实施系统。 (5)相同的PBL项目每年完成。这一大规模的PBL课程是在初级年进行的,在电气和计算机工程部门已经到达了几年。



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