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Incremental Volumetric Remapping Method:Analysis and Error Evaluation




In this paper the error associated with the remapping problem is analyzed.A range of numerical results that assess the performance of three different remapping strategies,applied to FE meshes that typically are used in sheet metal forming simulation,are evaluated.One of the selected strategies is the previously presented Incremental Volumetric Remapping method(IVR),which was implemented in the in-house code DD3TRIM.The IVR method fundaments consists on the premise that state variables in all points associated to a Gauss volume of a given element are equal to the state variable quantities placed in the correspondent Gauss point.Hence,given a typical remapping procedure between a donor and a target mesh,the variables to be associated to a target Gauss volume(and point)are determined by a weighted average.The weight function is the Gauss volume percentage of each donor element that is located inside the target Gauss volume.The calculus of the intersecting volumes between the donor and target Gauss volumes is attained incrementally,for each target Gauss volume,by means of a discrete approach.The other two remapping strategies selected are based in the interpolation/extrapolation of variables by using the finite element shape functions or moving least square interpolants.The performance of the three different remapping strategies is address with two tests.The first remapping test was taken from a literature work.The test consists in remapping successively a rotating symmetrical mesh,throughout N increments,in an angular span of 90°.The second remapping error evaluation test consists of remapping an irregular element shape target mesh from a given regular element shape donor mesh and proceed with the inverse operation.In this second test the computation effort is also measured.The results showed that the error level associated to IVR can be very low and with a stable evolution along the number of remapping procedures when compared with the other two methods.Besides,the method proved to be very robust even in critical remapping situations such as poor geometrical definition of the mesh domain boundaries.
机译:在本文中与所述重映射问题有关的错误是该评估的三个不同的重新映射策略,施加到FE网格典型地在金属板料成形模拟中使用的性能数值结果analyzed.A范围,是evaluated.One所选策略的是先前呈现的增量体积重映方法(IVR),这是在内部代码DD3TRIM.The IVR方法fundaments实现包括的前提是在相关联的给定元件的高斯体积的所有点的状态变量是等于状态变量量放置在对应的高斯point.Hence,由加权average.The重量函数给出一个供体和一个目标网格之间的典型重映射过程中,变量被关联到目标高斯体积(和点)被确定是每个供体元件的高斯体积百分比,其位于供体和焦油的交叉卷的目标高斯volume.The演算内部得到高斯体积达到递增,对于每个目标高斯体积,通过离散的装置选择为基础,在变量的内插/外插通过使用有限元形函数或移动最小二乘interpolants.The性能approach.The两个其他重映射策略三种不同的重映射策略是具有两个tests.The第一重映射测试从文献work.The测试包括在重新映射依次旋转对称的网格,在整个ñ增量溶解,在90°。第二重映射误差的角跨度地址评价试验由重新映射不规则要素形状目标从给定的正元件形状施主啮合啮合并与逆operation.In本次测试的计算工作量是还表明,相关联的IVR错误水平可以非常measured.The结果继续进行的低沿的时候与其他两个methods.Besides比较重映射程序,我数的稳定发展的ThOD被证明是,即使在临界重新映射的情况下非常健壮如网格域边界的差几何定义。



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