首页> 外文会议>太陽/風力ェネルギー講演会 >55 months generation of electricity with 4kW photovoltaic power generation system

55 months generation of electricity with 4kW photovoltaic power generation system




During the past few years the nationwide monitoring project of residential photovoltaic power generation system has been spread throughout the country. These are very nice to defend the earth from environmental pollution. During 55 months generation of electricity with 4kW photovoltaic power generation system of the author was measured and confirmed the practicality. The system was helped by the national monitoring project in 1997.19,032 [kWh] of electric energy were supplied from solar energy from January 1997 to August 2001. The electric energy was self-supported from the PV-system. The value of PV-power/global solar radiation of the system was about 0.86[kWh/MJm{sup}(-2)].
机译:在过去几年中,全国范围内的全国监测项目已经遍布全国各地。这些是从环境污染中捍卫地球的很好。在55个月期间,测量了与4KW光伏发电系统的电力,并确认了实用性。该制度由国家监测项目在19977年19,032中的电力从1997年1月到2001年1月提供的电能提供帮助。电能从PV系统自支撑。系统的PV-POWER /全球太阳辐射的值约为0.86 [kWh / MJM {sup}( - 2)]。



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