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Some Thoughts on Strengthening National Extension Services in Sub-Saharan Africa




This has been an unusually successful seminar. The discussion has been lively. We have all kept a sense of humor and enjoyed ourselves. The facilities have been excellent. Norman Borlaug has been here to motivate us whenever we began to lag or sag. And the food and hospitality have been extraordinary. Each of you has helped to make it a success, and you are to be commended for your active participation. However, we owe a special vote of thanks to one person in particular for his role in making the seminar a success. He designed the program, lined up the speakers, and asked provocative questions when the discussion started to waver or to get off the track. You know to whom I refer — Chris Dowswell. Let's give him a special vote of thanks.
机译:这是一个异常成功的研讨会。讨论一直活泼。我们都保持着一种幽默感,享受自己。设施非常好。每当我们开始滞后或下垂时,Norman Borlaug一直在这里激励我们。食物和热情好客是非凡的。你们每个人都有帮助使其取得成功,您将为您的积极参与表示赞扬。然而,我们欠一个人特别投票,特别是他在制作研讨会取得成功方面的作用。他设计了该计划,排队了扬声器,并在讨论开始摇摆或离开轨道时询问挑衅性问题。你知道我所指的是谁 - 克里斯dowswell。让我们给他一个特别的谢谢。



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