首页> 外文会议>International conference on computer science and it applications >Analysis of Psychological Stability and EEG-Based Control Efficacy of Infants by Stimulation Technique-Infant Car Seat Seating Environment

Analysis of Psychological Stability and EEG-Based Control Efficacy of Infants by Stimulation Technique-Infant Car Seat Seating Environment

机译:刺激技术 - 婴幼儿汽车座椅环境的婴幼儿心理稳定性与脑电图控制效能分析



Infant car seats provide safety and comfort to infants seated in cars. Nonetheless, these seats will fail to provide comfort unless infants adapt themselves to the seats. To resolve such problems, various types of infant car seats have been rolled out in the market, which combine the effects of vibration and sound, etc. However, it is unclear whether the infants are seated in these car seats longer than in existing car seats, due to their psychological stability, anxiety, or curiosity towards such novelties. In this study, we analyzed EEG-based psychological stability through various techniques of stimulation applied by infant car seats and proposed new stimulation techniques that will allow infants to be seated in infant car seats for prolonged periods of time, in a psychologically stable state. These techniques can be used in various fields, such as neurofeedback therapy, in the period ahead.
机译:婴儿汽车座椅为坐在汽车中的婴儿提供安全性和舒适性。尽管如此,除非婴儿将自己适应座位,否则这些座位将无法提供舒适。为了解决这些问题,市场上的各种类型的婴儿汽车座椅已经在市场上推出,这与振动和声音等相结合。但是,目前尚不清楚婴儿是否比现有汽车座椅在这些汽车座椅上坐在这些汽车座椅上。 ,由于他们的心理稳定性,焦虑或对这种Novelties的好奇心。在这项研究中,我们通过婴儿汽车座椅应用的各种刺激技术分析了基于EEG的心理稳定性,并提出了新的刺激技术,使婴儿在心理稳定状态下长时间坐在婴儿汽车座椅上。这些技术可以在前面的时期中用于各种领域,例如神经融合疗法。



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