首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence >A STUDY OF A CONSCIOUS ROBOT: An Attempt to Perceive the Unknown

A STUDY OF A CONSCIOUS ROBOT: An Attempt to Perceive the Unknown




The authors are developing a robot that has consciousness, emotions and feelings like humans. As we make progress in this study, we look forward to deepening our understanding of human consciousness and feelings. So far, we have succeeded in representing consciousness in a robot, evolved this conscious system by adding the functions of emotions and feelings, and successfully performed mirror image cognition experiments using the robot. Emotions and feelings in a robot are, like those of humans, basic functions that can enable a robot to avoid life-threatening situations. We believe that consistency of cognition and behavior generates consciousness in a robot. If we can detect what happens in the robot when this consistency is lost, we may be able to develop a robot that is capable of discriminating between what it has learned and what it has not learned. Furthermore, anticipate that the robot may eventually be able to feel a "pain of the heart." This paper reports on autonomous detection by a robot of non-experienced phenomena, or awareness of the unknown, using the function of consciousness embedded in the robot. If the robot is capable of detecting unknown phenomena, it may be able to continually accumulate experiences by itself.



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