首页> 外文会议>Internatioanl Conference for Smart Health >Development of Text Messages for Mobile Health Education to Promote Diabetic Retinopathy Awareness and Eye Care Behavior Among Indigenous Women

Development of Text Messages for Mobile Health Education to Promote Diabetic Retinopathy Awareness and Eye Care Behavior Among Indigenous Women




Background: Diabetes is increasingly prevalent in Indigenous people along with associated ocular complications such as diabetic retinopathy, which is the most common cause of blindness in Canadian adults. Though the risk of diabetic retinopathy is higher particularly among Indigenous women, there is limited utilization of diabetic eye care services. Hence there is the need for studies and interventions that pursue an innovative and culturally appropriate way of providing relevant information to promote diabetes-eye knowledge and prompt eye care behavior among Indigenous women living with and at-risk of diabetes. Aim: To develop diabetes-eye messages for a mobile health (mHealth) intervention to promote diabetic retinopathy awareness and eye care behavior among Indigenous women living with diabetes and at-risk of diabetes in Saskatoon. Methods: In this study, we used a multi-stage content development approach to crafting text messages, informed by Self-determination theory. The authors carried out content development in four major phases: content selection, user input, review and refining of messages, and pre-testing of messages. Result: Messages were selected via content analysis and literature search. The messages were informative/educational, reminders, motivational, and supportive. Important considerations in message development included: message prioritization, text message formatting, delivery, and dissemination plan. Discussion and Conclusions: A collaborative approach with a multidisciplinary team was essential to develop a comprehensive, culturally pertinent and appropriate mHealth messaging. The study provided some key steps and considerations for the development of a mHealth text messaging initiative in an Indigenous population and may serve as a guide for similar health promotion interventions.
机译:背景:糖尿病在土着人民中越来越普遍,以及相关的眼部并发症,如糖尿病视网膜病变,这是加拿大成年人失明的最常见原因。虽然糖尿病视网膜病的风险尤其是土着妇女,但有限地利用糖尿病眼保健服务。因此,需要研究和干预,以提供有关促进糖尿病 - 眼睛知识和促进糖尿病患者的土着妇女的糖尿病 - 眼睛知识和迅速的眼部护理行为的创新和文化妥善的方法。目的:为移动健康(MHECHEATH)干预开发糖尿病 - 眼信息,以促进糖尿病患者患有糖尿病和萨斯卡通糖尿病患者的土着妇女之间的糖尿病视网膜病理意识和眼科护理行为。方法:在本研究中,我们使用了一种多阶段内容开发方法来制作文本消息,通过自决理论告知。作者在四个主要阶段进行了内容开发:内容选择,用户输入,审查和炼制消息以及消息的预测试。结果:通过内容分析和文献搜索选择消息。消息是信息性/教育,提醒,激励和支持性。消息开发中的重要注意事项包括:消息优先级,文本消息格式,传递和传播计划。讨论和结论:具有多学科团队的协作方法对于开发全面,文化相关和适当的MHEALTEMENACE至关重要。该研究提供了一些关键步骤和考虑在土着人口中制定MHEATH METION MESINACE倡议,并可作为类似健康促进干预的指南。



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