首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Social Science and Character Educations >The Socialization of Multiculturalism Values Based on Abdurrahman Wahid's Thoughts in History Learning to Create Student Cultural Equality

The Socialization of Multiculturalism Values Based on Abdurrahman Wahid's Thoughts in History Learning to Create Student Cultural Equality

机译:基于Abdurrahman Wahid在历史学习思想创造学生文化平等的多元文化价值观的社会化



This article aims to describe the importance of the socialization of multiculturalism values in history learning to realize the cultural equality of students. The State of Indonesia is a country that consists of various diverse cultures. Not only bringing positive values, life with a diverse culture in Indonesia can also lead to various problems that must be faced by the community. For example, a series of conflicts that occurred in Indonesia, both vertical and horizontal conflicts. Therefore, knowing and understanding multiculturalism is very important to create student cultural equality. This article focuses on the urgency in learning history that must socialize the values of multiculturalism, which are integrated with conflicting events that occurred in the past. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with literature study. The socialization of the values of multiculturalism in history learning is a process of introducing and giving an understanding of the values of multiculturalism in history learning. The results of this study indicate that the values of multiculturalism must first be socialized, showing the importance to students. There are several ways used to socialize the values of multiculturalism. First, efforts are made to apply to students the importance of the basic values of multiculturalism in history learning for their interests. The second way, an empirical approach, the approach that builds awareness about the democratic values of the practice of experience. In addition, there are approaches that can be practiced for the socialization of multiculturalism values, namely learning by doing and the introduction approach.



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