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Brain Jogging Training to Improve Motivation and Learning Result of Tennis Skills




This research is aimed to determine the effect of brain jogging towards improvement of motivation and learning result of tennis skills. The method used in this research is experimental method. The population of this research is 15 tennis athletes of Core Siliwangi Bandung Tennis Club. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling technique. Sample of this research is the 10 tennis athletes of Core Siliwangi Bandung Tennis Club. Design used for this research is pretest-posttest group design. Data analysis technique used in this research is by doing Instrument T-test to measure motivation using The Sport Motivation Scale questionnaire (SMS-28) and Instrument to measure learning result of tennis skill by using tennis skills test, which include: (1) forehand test, (2) backhand test, and (3) service placement test. The result of this research showed that brain jogging significantly impact the improvement of motivation and learning result of tennis skills.
机译:该研究旨在确定大脑慢跑对网球技能的推进和学习结果的影响。本研究中使用的方法是实验方法。该研究人口是核心Siliwangi Bandung网球俱乐部的15个网球运动员。本研究中使用的采样技术是有目的采样技术。该研究的样本是核心Siliwangi Bandung网球俱乐部的10个网球运动员。用于本研究的设计是预测试后的组设计。本研究中使用的数据分析技术是通过使用网球技能试验来使用运动动机尺度问卷(SMS-28)和仪器来测量动机来测量动机,包括网球技能测试,包括:(1)正手测试,(2)反手测试,和(3)服务放置测试。该研究的结果表明,大脑慢动显着影响了网球技能的动机和学习结果的提高。



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