首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries >Germania Sacra Online - The Research Portal of Clerics and Religious Institutions Before 1810

Germania Sacra Online - The Research Portal of Clerics and Religious Institutions Before 1810

机译:德国Sacra在线 - 1810年之前的文职人员和宗教机构的研究门户



The research project Germania Sacra provides a comprehensive prosopographical database, that makes structured and comparable data of the Church of the Holy Roman Empire available for further research. The database contains approximately 38,000 records of premodern persons, new data is continuously added. This digital index of persons is supplemented by the "Database of Monasteries, Convents and Collegiate Churches of the Old Empire". The access through ecclesiastical institutions offers a broad variety of visualization possibilities for the prosopographical data. In order to make as much information as possible accessible for scholarly use the next steps that will be undertaken are cross-institutional collaboration and integration of scientific data resources of other research projects.



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