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Acute Toxicity of Guaiacol Administered Subcutaneously in the Mouse




Guaiacol is a compound used as expectorant. In Mexico City, this product is being illegally used for aesthetic treatment with fatal results. The aim of this study is to confirm the lethal toxicity documented in humans. Male Swiss Webster mice (CFW) 30-45g were employed. Dose-response curves to guaiacol were performed by subcutaneous administration (6.25-400 ul/40g). Basal temperature was recorded 30-120 min following administration of guaiacol. Animals were continuously observed for 120 min after guaiacol administration, lethality and toxicity manifestations were recorded. Depending of the dose, high toxicity was observed; sub lethal doses (6.25-12.5 u.l/40 g) produced tachycardia and hyperactivity, follow by sedation, hypnosis, high hypothermic effect (loss of 6癈) dyspnea, myoclonus, hematuria, blindness, abdominal distension and in higher doses (25-400 u.l/40 g) lethal effect. Necropsy showed hepatic and renal necrosis, pulmonary edema, hemorrhages and bladder clotting. We concluded that guaiacol is an extremely toxic product (toxic rating class 5) whose use should be restricted or banned.
机译:Guaiacol是一种用作祛痰剂的化合物。在墨西哥城,该产品被非法用于致命结果的审美治疗。本研究的目的是确认人类记载的致命毒性。使用雄性瑞士韦伯斯特小鼠(CFW)30-45g。通过皮下施用(6.25-400ul / 40g)进行愈缩剂的剂量 - 反应曲线。愈合愈合液后,基础温度记录30-120分钟。在Guaiacol给药后连续观察动物120分钟,记录致死态和毒性表现。取决于剂量,观察到高毒性;亚致死剂量(6.25-12.5 UL / 40克)产生的心动过速和多动,遵循镇静,催眠,高低温效果(6‰的丧失)呼吸困难,肌阵挛,血尿,失明,腹胀和更高剂量(25-400 UL / 40 g)致命作用。尸检显示肝癌和肾脏坏死,肺水肿,出血和膀胱凝固。得出的结论是,愈菌醇是一种极其有毒的产品(毒性等级5),其使用应该受到限制或禁止。



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