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Diagnosis and Treatment of Sacro Iliac Injures in the Performance Horse




Sacro Iliac injuries are a common cause of performance limitation in many of our equine athletes. While this injury is quite common in sport horses, it often goes undiagnosed. The most common complaint from the owner/trainer of the equine athlete is "he just isn't right behind" versus an obvious lameness. Many of these horses will have had their hocks injected recently with the response that "he is better but not right". While the injury can occur in either of the two hind limbs, I find the right Sacro Iliac is injured more frequently than the left. The injury usually is caused by the horse doing the splits behind. Often times, this occurs when the horse is running in his paddock and slides to a stop. In race horses, it occurs in the turns with theoutside hind leg extending up and across the midline when he is at full extension. In the Jumpers and Event Horses, it can occur when the horse gets in too deep to a jump and he has to rock back over his wide spread hind legs. This injury could also occur during a trailer ride if the horse slips and falls behind.
机译:Sacro Iliac伤害是我们许多马运动员的性能限制的常见原因。虽然这种伤害在运动马中非常常见,但它通常未能。大马运动员的主人/培训师最常见的投诉是“他只是不正确”而不是明显的跛足。许多这些马匹将在最近的响应中注射了他们的笑声,“他更好但不对”的反应。虽然损伤可能发生在两个后肢中的任何一种,但我发现右侧骶髂髂酸比左侧更频繁受伤。伤害通常是由在落后的劈裂的马引起的。通常,当马在他的围场上运行并滑到停止时,就会发生这种情况。在赛马中,它发生在随着伸展时延伸的,在延伸时延伸和跨越中线。在跳线和事件马中,当马进入跳跃时可能会发生,他必须摇滚他宽阔的后腿。如果马滑倒并且落后,在拖车期间也可能发生这种伤害。



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