
Authoring Adaptive Learning Designs Using IMS LD

机译:使用IMS LD的创作自适应学习设计



Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Systems have the potential to deliver instruction tailored to the characteristics of each student. However, despite many years of research in the area, these systems have been used only in a few real learning situations. Reasons for this include their use of proprietary semantics in the definition of adaptivity and educational elements, and their lack of interoperation among courses and applications. We claim that an option to over-come these issues is to annotate adaptive rules, techniques, and learning elements using a common notational method, the IMS Learning Design (IMS LD). This paper presents a novel approach to define adaptive learning designs and, particularly, how adaptive hypermedia techniques and adaptive rules can be modelled by means of IMS LD.
机译:自适应教育高度媒体系统有可能提供对每个学生的特征量身定制的指示。然而,尽管在该地区有多年的研究,但这些系统仅在一些真实的学习情况下使用。其中的原因包括他们在适应性和教育要素的定义中使用专有语义,以及他们在课程和申请中缺乏互操作。我们声称过度解决这些问题的选项是使用共同的符号方法来注释自适应规则,技术和学习元素,IMS学习设计(IMS LD)。本文提出了一种新颖的方法来定义自适应学习设计,特别是,可以通过IMS LD建模自适应超媒体技术和自适应规则。



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