首页> 外文会议>Annual International Association for Landscape Ecology Conference >Agro-environmental structures and their multiple roles at a local scale: a case study of the River Sile Natural Park (Italy)

Agro-environmental structures and their multiple roles at a local scale: a case study of the River Sile Natural Park (Italy)




In the framework of the National Research Program "Ecological networks and agriculture" started in the 2004, a pilot area was established in the Sile River Natural Park, in Veneto Region, North-East Italy. An analysis of aerial photos was carried outon images collected in 1954, 1983 and 1990 and, to complete the historical series, a field survey was then carried out in 2004-2005. Data on landscape structure were collected to identify the presence of agro-environmental elements that might contributeto the establishment of a small scale ecological network. Three zones with different complexity were identified in the study area. In each of them, the time pattern analysis shows a progressive disappearance of hedgerows and increased field size, due tothe diffusion of intensive agriculture. Further study will focus on understanding whether the complexity of the landscape gives higher agro-ecological values when compared to more simplified landscape structures.
机译:在国家研究计划的框架中,“生态网络和农业”于2004年开始,在东北地区威尼托地区的Sile河自然公园成立了一座试点区域。 1954年,1983年和1990年收集的图像分析了一系列的图像,并完成了历史系列,然后在2004 - 2005年进行了一个现场调查。收集了有关景观结构的数据,以确定可能为建立小规模生态网络的农业环境要素的存在。在研究区内确定了具有不同复杂性的三个区域。在他们每个人中,时间模式分析显示了HEDGEROWS的逐步消失,并且由于集约化农业的扩散而增加的场尺寸增加。进一步的研究将侧重于理解景观的复杂性是否会在与更简化的景观结构相比时具有更高的农业生态价值。



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