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Gene Expression in Stem Cell-Supporting Stromal Cell Lines




Cells in the immediate microenvironment together with hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) constitute the stem cell niche. The microenvironmental or stromal cells provide a complex molecular milieu that helps mediate and balance the self-renewal and commitment potentials of stem cells. The molecules in this milieu are not well defined. In this study, we have intersected previous cDNA subtraction studies with array expression methodologies to define and categorize known gene products expressed by HSC-supportive stromal cell lines. Data were curated from our previously released Stromal Cell Database (StroCDB) containing a set of gene products enriched for expression in the fetal liver stromal cell line AFT024. Global expression analyses were extended to other stem cell-supporting and -nonsupporting fetal liver stromal cell lines using commercially available microarrays. Known and previously described gene products from selected categories were studied: transcription factors, cell membrane proteins, cytoskeleton and related proteins, extracellular matrix proteins, cell adhesion molecules and their corresponding signaling molecules, and cytokines and their related mediators. More than 300 known gene products were selected for expression in HSC-supporting stromal cells compared to nonsupporting lines. Analyses of the data suggest that HSC-supportive cells are immature, sessile, and highly reactive after binding to integrin ligands and cytokines. Therefore, they provide a dynamic space poised to respond to molecular cues elaborated within the stem cell niche. The study provides a survey of known proteins that play key roles in the support of HSCs by fetal liver stromal cells. It also provides insights into the biology of the stem cell niche by highlighting the complex network of intercellular signaling and communication involved in the organization of the niche space.



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