首页> 外文会议>World Mining Congress vol.2 >Practice, Procedures and Draft Policy for Environmental Protection in Kotah Stone Mining

Practice, Procedures and Draft Policy for Environmental Protection in Kotah Stone Mining

机译:Kotah Stone Mining环境保护的实践,程序和草案政策



Earth summit in Rio, in its declaration, called on the industries for efficient resource management through clean technology for reduction of waste, conservation of mineral resources and placed priorities on the management to raise environmental awareness. Sustainable development through appropriate and clan technology involves not only the environmental protection but also issues such as economic prosperity and conservation of natural resources for the future generation to meet their own needs. The present status of Kotah Stone mining after 70 years of indiscriminate mining has necessitated innovation of an appropriate quarrying technology to reduce further environmental degradation, and ensure optimum utilization of the balance reserves of Kotah Stone. Time has come now for companies' to adopt an environmental policy and impose self-regulation to create a good public image. A model Environmental policy has been drafted by the author for all Kotah Stone mining lessee to abide religiously. Mining industry of today should be able to absorb the social, cultural and environmental costs through principles of best practice.
机译:RIO的地球峰会在其宣言中呼吁通过清洁技术来减少浪费,矿产资源保护,并将管理层的优先事项提出环境意识,呼吁有效的资源管理。通过适当和氏族技术的可持续发展不仅涉及环境保护,而且涉及经济繁荣和保护自然资源的问题,以满足自己的需求。 70年不分青红皂白矿后Kotah Stone开采的现状已经需要采用适当采石技术的创新,以减少进一步的环境退化,并确保Kotah Stone的余额储备的最佳利用。时间已经达到了公司'采取环境政策,并强加自我监管,以创造一个良好的公共形象。作者向所有Kotah Stone矿业承租人致以宗教的议员起草了一个模型环境政策。今天采矿业应能够通过最佳实践原则吸收社会,文化和环境成本。



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