
A Novel OLED Controller with Fractal Scan Scheme




Based on the mathematical model of the optimal scan architecture of grayscale imaging, this paper presents the design and logic implementation of a novel OLED grey scale controller with the fractal scan scheme to efficiently increase the scan utilization and imaging quality. Through the exploration of the sub-space code sequences and bit code sequences for different gray levels, we firstly complete the design and implementation of the parameterized fractal scanning IP core for various gray levels, which can be used to every flat panel display controller. And then we complete the design of a novel OLED grey scale controller that the fractal scanning IP core described with Verilog language is embedded in the FPGA hardware frame, which can efficiently increase the imaging gray levels and speed up frame frequency of display systems. Serial applications and tests indicate that it can obtain 100% scan utilization and a significant decrease of the system clock frequency (a multiple of 29 for 256 gray levels), comparing with traditional scan methods. With the proposed method there is no need to using high-speed IC circuits to realize the high articulation and resolution display of video images. Thus, the paper provides a new approach and an engineering way to solve one of the pressing problems of high resolution flat panel display technology, grayscale.



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