首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering >Sustain Activities for Real-Time Optimization Models of Ethylene Plants

Sustain Activities for Real-Time Optimization Models of Ethylene Plants




Real-Time Optimization (RTO) applications consist of a paramount tool for the Refining and the Chemical Process Industries. It evaluates the chemical process operational conditions, calculates optimum operating conditions and sends setpoints to the plant in order to maximize the overall profit. The purpose of this paper is to report the sustain activities with respect to the RTO models for Olefins plants in a partnership formed by Aspen Technology, the world's leading supplier of process simulation software, and Braskem S.A., the Brazilian leading petrochemical company. Reliability on the RTO results leads the operators to consistently implement the suggested setpoints to the plants. In addition, operational results showed the RTO models were able to increase the ethylene production and reduce high valued chemicals losses, thus improving plant profit. The results also include drastic reductions in steam import rates.
机译:实时优化(RTO)应用程序包括炼油和化学过程行业的最重要工具。它评估了化学过程的操作条件,计算了最佳的操作条件,并将设定点发送到工厂,以最大限度地提高整体利润。本文的目的是在世界领先的流程仿真软件和布拉西亚领先的石化公司德拉斯德石化公司的铝业技术,在Aspen Technology组成的伙伴关系中向烯烃工厂的RTO模型报告维持活动。 RTO结果的可靠性导致运营商将建议的设定值始终如一地向植物实施。此外,操作结果表明RTO模型能够增加乙烯生产,减少高价值的化学品损失,从而改善植物利润。结果还包括蒸汽进口率的急剧减少。



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