
From belt picking to bin picking




We face the problem of computer-vision aided robot grasping of objects with more or less random positions. This field is of vital importance in the further progress in flexible automation of industrial processes, since conventional methods using fixtures and/or vibration bowls are expensive and inflexible. We study various types of disorder: A) visually isolated objects lying in distinct resting modes on a flat homogenous conveyer belt B) partially occluded objects lying in distinct resting modes on a flat homogenous conveyer belt C) visually separated objects, unrestricted object-camera pose, and fully surrounded by background D) partially occluded objects, unrestricted relative orientation, but with a sizeable fraction of their contour detectable using foreground-background separation E) partially occluded objects with unrestricted pose and no help from foreground-background separation The cases A), B), and - to some extend -D) are encountered in belt picking, while case E) is true bin picking. Since physical storage of products and components in industry is based on deep containers with many layers of somewhat disordered objects, the belt-picking concept is only the first step for achieving flexible, unsupervised parts feeding. We have developed and tested a generic, fast, and easily trainable system for the cases A) and B). The system is unique because it handles the perspective effects exactly so there is no restriction concerning object dimensions relative to the distance to the camera. We report on a strategy to be used in treating case C) using the principles developed for the cases A-B). We discuss possible strategies to be employed when going all the way to cases of D) and E).
机译:我们面临着计算机视觉辅助机器人抓取更多或更少的随机位置的对象的问题。此字段是在工业过程中的灵活的自动化的进一步发展至关重要,因为使用传统的方法固定装置和/或振动碗是昂贵和不灵活的。我们研究各种类型疾病的:A)在视觉上分离的对象躺在不同静止模式在平坦的均匀传送带B)部分地遮挡的对象躺在不同静止模式在平坦的均匀传送带C)在视觉上分离的物体,不受限对象相机姿态,并且通过背景d完全包围)部分地遮挡的对象,不受限的相对取向,但是与它们的轮廓可检测的使用前景背景分离的E的相当大的部分)部分地闭塞与无限制姿势和没有从前景背景分离的情况下,一个帮助对象) ,B),以及 - 在一定程度上-D)在带拾取遇到,而情况E)为真仓拾取。由于产品和工业部件的物理存储基于与有点无序对象的许多层深容器,带体采集的概念是只用于实现柔性,非监督零件供给的第一步。我们已经开发并测试了一个通用的,快速,方便地可训练系统的情况下,A)和B)。该系统是独一无二的,因为它处理的透视效果究竟所以就相对于至相机的距离物体的尺寸没有限制。我们在策略报告中使用的情况下,A-B)制定的原则处理情况C被使用)。我们讨论了所有的方式去d)和E)的情况下,当要采用可行的策略。



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