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The Rockefeller Foundation's International program on rice biotechnology




The Rockefeller Foundation's design of a long-term program on rice biotechnology was the product of a 2-year intensive survey and analysis of the genetic prospects for the world's major food crops conducted in the early 1980s. In late 1984, the Foundation's Board of Trustees approved a strategy for a 10- 15-year program. That program was highly speculative and indicated substantial risk with regard to the status at that time of cereal plant molecular biology and rice in particular. During the first5-7 years, projects supported by the Foundation laid the scientific basis for "rice biotechnology" as we know it today. Early successes were the first DNA molecular marker map of rice, the regeneration and transformation of rice, the use of rice pest genomic information to unravel age-old riddles of host-plant resistance, and numerous other discoveries that changed the way rice geneticists viewed breeding objectives such as insect resistance, abiotic stress tolerance, and hybrid rice. These discoveriesculminated in the revelation of rice's pivotal genomic position in the evolution of cereal species. Over the ensuing 7-8 years, the program shifted its focus to the transfer of the resulting biotechnologies to institutions in rice- producing and -consuming countries. This task required the strengthening of both physical and human resources in cooperation with national and international rice research systems in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The Foundation's program management sought to support further technology generation and application while promoting the program's greatest asset, international collaborative research-cum-training. This "win-win" component of the program linking fledgling national rice biotechnology efforts directly to advanced research institutes in the United States, Europe, Japan, and Australia became the hallmark of the Foundation's management strategy. During the program's 17-year life- time, more than 400 (primarily Asian) rice scientists were trained in this manner. The successful linkage of research in cutting-edge biotechnology with the training of rice scientists often produced long-term collaborative relationships that outgrew dependence on Foundation support and continue today (such as the IRRI-managed Asian Rice Biotechnology Network). Some of these successes were undoubtedly a consequence of the basic research progress in rice plant molecular genomics, which brought greater financial support for rice-centered research as rice became the "model cereal" for genomicresearch, rivaling even Arabidopsis.
机译:洛克菲勒基金会对水稻生物技术长期计划的设计是20年初期为20世纪80年代初进行的世界各大粮食作物遗传前景的遗传前景的产物。 1984年底,基金会的受托人委员会批准了一个10-15年计划的战略。该计划具有高度投机性,并且特别是谷物植物分子生物学和稻米的状态的实质性风险。在First5-7岁期间,基金会支持的项目为今天所知的“米生物技术”为“米生物技术”为科学依据。早期成功是第一个DI的水稻DNA分子标记图,水稻的再生和转化,利用水稻害虫基因组信息来解开炎症的宿主植物抗性,以及许多其他发现改变了水稻遗传学家观看育种的方式抗虫,非生物胁迫耐受性和杂种稻等目标。这些在谷物种类演变中的大米枢转基因组位置的启示下灭绝。在随后的7 - 8年内,该计划将其重点转移到将所产生的生物技术转移到生产的生物技术与大米生产和分类国家的机构转移。这项任务需要与亚洲,非洲和拉丁美洲的国家和国际水稻研究系统合作加强身体和人力资源。基金会的方案管理试图支持进一步的技术生成和应用,同时促进计划最大的资产,国际协同研究 - 培训。这项计划的“双赢”组成部分,将Fledgling国家水稻生物技术努力直接转向美国,欧洲,日本和澳大利亚的先进研究机构成为基础管理战略的标志。在该计划的17年生命期间,超过400(主要是亚洲)米科科学家以这种方式训练。与水稻科学家培训的尖端生物技术研究成功汇编往往产生了长期的协作关系,使得超出基础支持的依赖并继续下去(例如IRRI管理的亚洲水稻生物技术网络)。其中一些成功无疑是水稻植物分子基因组学基本研究进展的结果,这为米为中心的研究带来了更大的金融支持,因为米为基因组的“模型谷物”,甚至是拟南芥。



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