
Using Part-Of Relations for Discovering Causality




Historically, causal markers, syntactic structures and connectives have been the sole identifying features for automatically extracting causal relations in natural language discourse. However various connectives such as "and", prepositions such as "as" and other syntactic structures are highly ambiguous in nature, and it is clear that one cannot solely rely on lexico-syntactic markers for detection of causal phenomenon in discourse. This paper introduces the theory of granularity and describes different approaches to identify granularity in natural language. As causality is often granular in nature (Mazlack 2004), we use granularity relations to discover and infer the presence of causal relations in text. We compare this with causal relations identified using just causal markers. We achieve a precision of 0.91 and a recall of 0.79 using granularity for causal relation detection, as compared to a precision of 0.79 and a recall of 0.44 using pure causal markers for causality detection.
机译:从历史上讲,因果标记,句法结构和结缔组织是自动提取自然语言话语中因果关系的唯一识别特征。然而,诸如“和”等各种连接,介词如“”和“和其他句法结构的性质上是非常暧昧的,并且很清楚,一个人不能仅仅依赖于词汇句法标记,以检测话语中的因果现象。本文介绍了粒度理论,并描述了识别自然语言中粒度的不同方法。由于因果性通常是颗粒状(Mazlack 2004),我们使用粒度关系来发现和推断出文中的因果关系。我们将此与仅使用因果标记的因果关系进行比较。使用粒度与因果关系检测相比,我们达到0.91的精度为0.91,并召回0.79,而使用纯因因果标志物进行因果区检测的备份0.79和召回0.44。



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