首页> 外文会议>European Conference on Artificial Intelligence >Coalition Formation Strategies for Self-interested Agents in Hedonic Games

Coalition Formation Strategies for Self-interested Agents in Hedonic Games




In this article, we address the problem of coalition formation in multiagent systems. Our work focuses on the class of hedonic games, where the satisfaction of each agent depends on other agents taking part in the coalition. We present in this paper some strategies, which could be used by agents. We describe two types of strategies: proposal acceptance strategies, which allow agents to accept or reject a coalition formation proposal and proposal selection strategies based on the analysis of the history of a negotiation, which allow agents to select interesting coalitions to propose. We underline that a compromise between high and low selectivity allows agents to obtain a higher probability to form coalitions with a satisfying utility. Our proposal selection strategies allow agents to reduce the number of proposals to send during the coalition formation process without losing much utility. This speeds up considerably the process.



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