首页> 外文会议>Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences >Climate conscious relations in a digital urban setting

Climate conscious relations in a digital urban setting




The climate change has challenged urban living: As an omnipresent force nature sets the agenda for urban life. Using stakeholder theory for conceptualizing urban life, we install nature as both an omnipresent stakeholder and an issue to be continuously addressed and related to. From this perspective we explore how the citizen enacts his relations to the natural environment in an urban setting and how digital media facilitate different forms of relations. Conceptually framed within stakeholder management theory and models on why corporations engage in corporate social responsibility we use The Aarhus CO2030 exhibition (specifically a digital installation entitled CO2mmitment/CO2nfessions) as an exemplary case to provide insights into understanding drivers for citizens' climate conscious behavior. Based on our study we argue that citizens face similar challenges and conflicting behaviors as corporations in response to the climate change.
机译:气候变化挑战了城市生活:随着全能的力量,本性设定了城市生活的议程。利用利益相关者理论进行概念化城市生活,我们将自然安装为全新资格利益相关者,并持续解决和与之相关的问题。从这个角度来看,我们探讨公民如何在城市环境中为自然环境制定他的关系以及数字媒体如何促进不同形式的关系。在利益相关者管理理论和模型中概念上框架在为什么公司从事企业社会责任我们使用Aarhus CO2030展览(特别是一个题为CO2MITMENT / CO2NFessions的数字安装)作为示例性案例,以便为公民的气候意识行为提供了解理解司机的见解。基于我们的研究,我们认为公民面临着同类公司的挑战和相互冲突的行为,以应对气候变化。



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