首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Educational Technology >Assessing Intentional Use of AR in Cultural Heritage Learning

Assessing Intentional Use of AR in Cultural Heritage Learning




In cultural heritage development, augmented reality (AR) technology plays an essential role, seamlessly realizing immersions by merging virtual objects with real images. It not only combines the virtual and the real, but most importantly, increases overall tourists' interest in culture and history. However, limited research was carried out to explore the determinants of adoption towards AR by potential consumers and to what extent do these factors affect. In this paper, a new research horizon is adopted so as to explain the complex relationship of these influencing factors by using quantitative research. Valid data were collected from participants using a national AR tourism platform in China which was developed on Smart-phones. The main results demonstrate that five variables: Performance Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions, Price Value, and Habit significantly influence the individuals' Behavioral Intention to visit the destination. Personal Innovativeness (PI) moderates Habit (HB) on Behavioral Intention (BI). This novel Augmented Reality (AR) graphic travelling system, which provides not only real environment viewing module, but also live voice guide, stimulates cultural heritage learning.



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