首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies >Robotic Helping Hand: A New Mechanism for Helping Disabled People

Robotic Helping Hand: A New Mechanism for Helping Disabled People




Many assistive technologies implemented to help the disabled people. The purpose of this research is to design and implement a new mechanism for disabled people which can be used as a helping hand. Generally, disabled people depend on others to live their lives. Our target is to make a robotic system that has different characteristics to help the physically challenged people. The robot will be able to move in any direction. An open-source Android application is used to control the robot via Bluetooth. The robot responds to move commands in the forward, backward, left, and right directions. A disabled person, especially those who cannot walk will be able to send this robot anywhere. The project also implements a robotic arm with pick and place capability. It is able to pick any object and carry it and place it to the required position. The robotic arm is designed such that it can be controlled by a number of different mechanisms, namely a smartphone as the remote control, or human voice command or an RF controller. Disabled people can use any one of these methods according to his or her comfort. The robot also uses an IP camera for video observation as well as video communication with others.



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