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Implementation of Activity-Based Costing in e-Businesses




In the early 1980s, management accounting practices were being questioned since it was realized that traditional cost accounting practices were not appropriate for allocating indirect costs that were not associated with a specific product or customer. Activity-Based Costing (ABC) was developed to overcome problems that were leading to poor management decisions such as investing in unprofitable customers or products etc. Although manufacturing companies have firstly used Activity-Based Costing, in fact ABC is a very appropriate cost control method for e-businesses whose almost all activities are associated with the indirect cost category. The fact that one of the reasons why many dot. com companies had gone through bankruptcy in the 2000s was not using an effective cost control system has rendered ABC more important for e-businesses. The aim of this paper is to implement ABC in an e-auction company, to determine unprofitable and promising customers accordingly. In the first part, theoretical information about ABC is presented and than implementation is explained step by step. In the last part results are evaluated and some recommendations are proposed.
机译:在20世纪80年代初,管理层会计准则受到质疑,因为它意识到传统的成本会计准则不适合分配与特定产品或客户无关的间接成本。为基于活动的成本核算(ABC),以克服导致管理层差的问题,如投资无利可图的客户或产品等。尽管制造公司首先使用了基于活动的成本核算,但ABC是一个非常适当的成本控制方法对于几乎所有活动与间接成本类别相关的电子商务。事实上,许多点的原因之一。 COM公司在2000年代经过破产,没有使用有效的成本控制系统,使ABC对电子商务更重要。本文的目的是在电子拍卖公司中实施ABC,以便相应地确定无利可图和承诺的客户。在第一部分中,呈现有关ABC的理论信息,并逐步解释了实现。在最后一部分的结果中,提出了一些建议。



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