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LEarning with academic partners (LEAP) Success and growing pains in the first year




Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a program that has been shown to be successful in supporting students in historically challenging courses and improving grades, retention, and understanding of course material. SI was started at the University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC) in 1973, but has since branched out to approximately 1500 institutions in 30 countries. In the spring of 2016, two faculty members from Michigan Technological University attended SI training at the International Center for SI at UMKC with the intention of developing a similar program to support the first-year engineering courses at Michigan Tech. The LEarning with Academic Partners (LEAP) program is the program that has developed as a result of that effort. While based on SI, the LEAP program has several distinct differences, which will be outlined in this paper. In Fall 2016, LEAP was implemented in three of fifteen sections (180 students, 9 Leaders) of ENG1101 - Engineering Analysis and Problem Solving, the first engineering course taken by calculus-ready students in all engineering majors. In Spring 2017, LEAP has been incorporated into three of fourteen sections (172 students, 9 Leaders) of ENG1102 - Engineering Modeling and Design and one section (61 students, 3 Leaders) of ENG1101. In this paper we will discuss the successes and failures of our first year with LEAP as we look to assess and expand the LEAP program to all sections of ENG1101 and ENG1102 (approximately 1100 students, 50 Leaders) beginning next academic year. We will share perspectives from students, LEAP Leaders, supervisors, and faculty.
机译:补充教学(SI)是一项显示出成功的计划,可以成功地支持学生参加具有历史挑战性的课程,并提高成绩,保留率和对课程材料的理解。 SI于1973年在密苏里大学-堪萨斯城分校(UMKC)成立,但此后扩展到30个国家/地区的约1500家机构。 2016年春季,密歇根理工大学的两名教职人员参加了UMKC国际SI中心的SI培训,目的是开发类似的计划以支持密歇根理工大学的一年级工程课程。与合作伙伴一起学习(LEAP)计划是由于这项努力而开发的计划。虽然基于SI,但是LEAP程序有几个明显的不同,本文将对此进行概述。 2016年秋季,LEEAP在ENG1101的十五个部分中的三个(180名学生,9位领导者)中实施了-工程分析和问题解决,这是所有工程专业的微积分学生都修读的第一门工程课程。在2017年春季,LEAP已被纳入ENG1102的十四个部分中的三个(172名学生,9位负责人)-工程建模与设计以及ENG1101中的一个部分(61个学生,3位领导人)。在本文中,我们将讨论LEAP第一年的成败,因为我们希望评估LEAP计划并将其扩展到下学年开始的ENG1101和ENG1102的所有部分(大约1100名学生,50位领导者)。我们将分享学生,LEAP负责人,主管和教职员工的观点。



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