
Team Papelo: Transformer Networks at FEVER




We develop a system for the FEVER fact extraction and verification challenge that uses a high precision entailment classifier based on transformer networks pretrained with language modeling, to classify a broad set of potential evidence. The precision of the entailment classifier allows us to enhance recall by considering every statement from several articles to decide upon each claim. We include not only the articles best matching the claim text by TFIDF score, but read additional articles whose titles match named entities and capitalized expressions occurring in the claim text. The entailment module evaluates potential evidence one statement at a time, together with the title of the page the evidence came from (providing a hint about possible pronoun antecedents). In preliminary evaluation, the system achieves .5736 FEVER score, .6108 label accuracy, and .6485 evidence F1 on the FEVER shared task test set.
机译:我们开发了一种发热事实提取和验证挑战的系统,该挑战采用了基于用语言建模预先预先磨削的变压器网络的高精度素质分类器,分类了广泛的潜在证据。 Entailment分类器的精度允许我们通过考虑来自多个文章来决定每个索赔的每个语句来增强召回。我们不仅包括通过TFIDF得分最佳匹配索赔文章,而且还包括读取其他文章,其标题与索赔文本中发生的名为实体和大写表达式的标题。 Entailment模块一次评估潜在的证据,一次陈述,以及页面的标题来自证据来自(提供关于可能的代号前提的暗示)。在初步评估中,系统实现了.5736发热得分,.6108标签精度,和.6485发烧共享任务测试集的.6485证据F1。



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