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GHG Accounting in a Construction Project: The Case of Montreal's Turcot Project




The Ministere des Transports du Quebec has undertaken the Turcot project whose central element, the Turcot Interchange, one of the most important in Quebec on which more than 300,000 vehicles travel daily, must be rebuilt. The Turcot project also includes the reconstruction of three other interchanges, as well as sections of adjacent highways. The work began in 2011 and will last until 2020. The cost of the project as a whole is estimated at more than $3.5 billion. The Ministere has decided that the Turcot project should be a carbon-neutral construction project and wants the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions linked to the construction activities to be subjected to a compensation so that the construction activities result in a carbon-neutral footprint. Since this is a new way of doing things at the Ministere and few attempts have been made with regards to construction sites in Quebec, the Ministere has developed a methodology to account for GHG emissions linked to construction activities. To do so, the first step was to identify the activities selected for measuring emissions and develop a method of accounting easy to use on worksites in order to draw a faithful portrait of GHG emissions. The first constructions for the Turcot project were carried out with traditional methods and the Ministere performed a pilot project on a worksite to account for GHG resulting from the work performed, which was expected to result in a better method of estimating GHG emissions for the overall project. The experience gained in the first constructions lots shows that accounting for GHG emissions on a construction worksite as large as that of the Turcot project presents a certain number of challenges as there are numerous sources of emissions and the activities themselves are "mobile" in nature.
机译:魁北克交通运输部已经实施了Turcot项目,该项目的核心部分Turcot立交桥是魁北克最重要的枢纽之一,每天必须运送300,000辆以上的车辆。 Turcot项目还包括重建其他三个立交桥以及相邻高速公路的路段。这项工作于2011年开始,并将持续到2020年。整个项目的成本估计超过35亿美元。部长已决定Turcot项目应为碳中和的建设项目,并希望对与建筑活动相关的温室气体(GHG)排放进行补偿,以使建筑活动产生碳中和的足迹。由于这是部长的一种新的做事方式,并且在魁北克的建筑工地上进行了很少的尝试,因此部长已开发出一种方法来解决与建筑活动有关的温室气体排放。为此,第一步是确定为测量排放而选择的活动,并开发一种易于在工地上使用的会计方法,以忠实地描述温室气体排放。 Turcot项目的第一批工程是采用传统方法进行的,而部长在工地上进行了一个试点项目,以说明所进行的工作所产生的温室气体,这有望为估算整个项目的温室气体排放量提供更好的方法。 。在第一批建筑中获得的经验表明,在与Turcot项目一样大的建筑工地上计算温室气​​体排放量会带来一定数量的挑战,因为排放源众多,而且活动本身就是“流动性”的。



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