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Trends and Projected Estimates of GHG Emissions from Indian Livestock in Comparisons with GHG Emissions from World and Developing Countries




This study presents trends and projected estimates of methane and nitrous oxide emissions from livestock of India vis-à-vis world and developing countries over the period 1961 to 2010 estimated based on IPCC guidelines. World enteric methane emission (EME) increased by 54.3% (61.5 to 94.9 ×109 kg annually) from the year 1961 to 2010, and the highest annual growth rate (AGR) was noted for goat (2.0%), followed by buffalo (1.57%) and swine (1.53%). Global EME is projected to increase to 120×109 kg by 2050. The percentage increase in EME by Indian livestock was greater than world livestock (70.6% vs 54.3%) between the years 1961 to 2010, and AGR was highest for goat (1.91%), followed by buffalo (1.55%), swine (1.28%), sheep (1.25%) and cattle (0.70%). In India, total EME was projected to grow by 18.8×109 kg in 2050. Global methane emission from manure (MEM) increased from 6.81 ×109 kg in 1961 to 11.4×109 kg in 2010 (an increase of 67.6%), and is projected to grow to 15×109 kg by 2050. In India, the annual MEM increased from 0.52×109 kg to 1.1×109 kg (with an AGR of 1.57%) in this period, which could increase to 1.54×109 kg in 2050. Nitrous oxide emission from manure in India could be 21.4×106 kg in 2050 from 15.3×106 kg in 2010. The AGR of global GHG emissions changed a small extent (only 0.11%) from developed countries, but increased drastically (1.23%) for developing countries between the periods of 1961 to 2010. Major contributions to world GHG came from cattle (79.3%), swine (9.57%) and sheep (7.40%), and for developing countries from cattle (68.3%), buffalo (13.7%) and goat (5.4%). The increase of GHG emissions by Indian livestock was less (74% vs 82% over the period of 1961 to 2010) than the developing countries. With this trend, world GHG emissions could reach 3,520×109 kg CO2-eq by 2050 due to animal population growth driven by increased demands for meat and dairy products in the world.
机译:这项研究提出了根据IPCC指南估算的1961年至2010年期间印度相对于世界和发展中国家的牲畜甲烷和一氧化二氮排放量的趋势和预计的估算值。从1961年到2010年,世界肠内甲烷排放量(EME)增加了54.3%(每年61.5至94.9×10 9 千克),山羊的年均增长率(AGR)最高(2.0 %),其次是水牛(1.57%)和猪(1.53%)。到2050年,全球EME预计将增加到120×10 9 kg。印度牲畜的EME增长百分比大于1961年至2010年间的世界牲畜(70.6%对54.3%),以及山羊的AGR最高(1.91%),其次是水牛(1.55%),猪(1.28%),绵羊(1.25%)和牛(0.70%)。在印度,预计到2050年EEM总量将增长18.8×10 9 kg。全球粪便甲烷排放量(MEM)从1961年的6.81×10 9 kg增加到1961年。 2010年为11.4×10 9 千克(增长67.6%),预计到2050年将增长到15×10 9 千克。在印度,年度MEM有所增加在此期间从0.52×10 9 千克增加到1.1×10 9 千克(AGR为1.57%),可能会增加到1.54×10 9 < / sup> kg在2050年。印度粪便中的一氧化二氮排放量可能会从2010年的15.3×10 6 kg在2050年达到21.4×10 6 kg。发达国家的温室气体排放量变化很小(仅0.11%),但在1961年至2010年期间,发展中国家的温室气体排放量急剧增加(1.23%)。对世界温室气体的主要贡献来自牛(79.3%),猪(9.57%) ),绵羊(7.40%)以及发展中国家的牛(68.3%),水牛(13.7%)和山羊(5.4%)。印度牲畜的温室气体排放增加量(1961年至2010年期间为74%比82%)要少于发展中国家。在这种趋势下,由于世界对肉类和奶制品需求的增加,动物种群的增长,到2050年世界温室气体排放量可能达到3,520×10 9 kg CO2当量。



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