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Machine Learning Classification of Cancer Cells Migration in 3D Multi-cue Microenvironments1

机译:3D多线圈微环境中癌细胞迁移的机器学习分类 1



Metastasis is the leading cause of deaths among cancer patients. Metastatic dissemination, during which cancer cells from the primary tumor reach the secondary organ, consists of a cascade of events, starting with cancer cell invasion and migration through the surrounding tissue [1]-[3]. During cancer cells invasion, tumor cell movement is directed by multiple guiding cues present in the tissue at different concentrations [1, 4]. Guiding cues can be biophysical, such as aligned collagen fibers inducing contact guidance or biochemical, such as gradients of chemoattractants inducing chemotaxis. Following individual cues will lead to directed cell migration, where the cell velocity and cell persistence will be determined by the concentration of the cue and the presence of the cell receptors that are responsible for communication with the particular cue. However, in complex microenvironments, where multiple cues are present at different levels, distances and orientations, cues can compete with or synergize each other to guide the cell migration. In such conditions, analyzing the cell migration parameters (velocity, persistence, directionality etc.) is a challenging task.
机译:转移是癌症患者死亡的主要原因。转移性传播,在原发性肿瘤到达二次器官的癌细胞中,由癌症细胞侵袭和通过周围组织的迁移开始的级联事件组成[1] - [3]。在癌细胞侵袭期间,肿瘤细胞运动由在不同浓度的组织中存在的多个引导性提示来引导[1,4]。引导线索可以是生物物理学的,例如对准胶原纤维诱导接触引导或生物化学,例如诱导趋化子的趋化剂的梯度。在单个提示之后会导致指向细胞迁移,其中细胞速度和细胞持续性将通过提示的浓度和负责与特定提示通信的细胞受体的存在来确定。然而,在复杂的微环境中,其中多个提示存在于不同的水平,距离和方向时,提示可以互相竞争或协同互相竞争以引导细胞迁移。在这种情况下,分析小区迁移参数(速度,持久性,方向等)是一个具有挑战性的任务。



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