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Syntax-directed keyboard extension: Evolution and evaluation




The syntax-directed keyboard extension presented by Almusaly et al. in 2015 allows programmers to input Java source code with fewer errors and keystrokes compared to the soft QWERTY keyboard and it supports a comparable typing speed. While these results were obtained after only 10 minutes of practice, it is unclear how long term use affects performance. In this paper, we present an updated design for the original syntax-directed keyboard extension, replicate the original results, and evaluate the evolved design with Java programmers over eight sessions in a period of two weeks. Our results indicate that a programmer using the new keyboard extension for two weeks can input Java programs 16.5% faster (words per minute) than an expert QWERTY keyboard typist. In addition, we demonstrate that the efficiency and accuracy for inputting Java source code improves with repeated use over time and that perceived mental, physical, and temporal demands of the keyboard extension decrease over time.
机译:Almusalale等人提供的语法定向键盘扩展。 2015年,程序员与软质QWERTY键盘相比,使用较少的错误和击键和击键,并支持可比较的打字速度,输入Java源代码。虽然这些结果仅在仅10分钟的实践后获得,但目前尚不清楚使用时间影响性能。在本文中,我们提出了一个更新的设计,用于原始语法定向键盘扩展,复制原始结果,并在两个星期内使用Java程序员评估了Java程序员的演变设计。我们的结果表明,使用新键盘扩展的程序员两周,可以输入Java程序16.5 %比专家QWERTY键盘打字员更快(每分钟单词)。此外,我们证明了输入Java源代码的效率和准确性随着时间的推移而改善,并且键盘延伸的感知心理,物理和时间需求随着时间的推移而降低。



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