首页> 外文会议>IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference >Learning programming through design: An analysis of parametric design projects in digital fabrication labs and an online makerspace

Learning programming through design: An analysis of parametric design projects in digital fabrication labs and an online makerspace




The introduction of programming in K-12 can also include elements of other STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) subjects like engineering design and mathematics. Parametric Design is a design paradigm which is often related to architecture. Emerging technologies like additive manufacturing (3D printing) and modern CAD (Computer Aided Design) tools have enabled manufacturing of complex parametric designs not only by professionals but hobbyists and youth as well. In this paper we present our empirical investigation on how parametric design and digital fabrication tools can support programming learning actions. To investigate the potential of parametric design in programming learning activities, we analyzed the code of parametric design projects from a popular online makerspace and workshops that took place in two digital fabrication labs and an informatics school lab. In total 45 students participated in our workshops and developed code to generate 3D models, while each participant had the opportunity to 3D print at least one artifact. We designed, implemented and evaluated the workshops using mixed qualitative methods to triangulate the data. The results showed that the parametric design tools that we used were well suited for participants to understand core principles of programming (like loops, conditions, variables, functions) and engineering design, bringing unique advantages to understanding programming concepts through the visualization of the generated 3D models. Moreover, the participants seem to have understood how to use programming concepts like decomposition and indentation to designate logical blocks in the parametric design code. However, in some cases more advanced concepts were understood only on a surface level with the participants using commands without a deep understanding of them. Therefore, we present some critical remarks on parametric design and digital fabrication in educational context and their integration with programming, engineering design and mathematics.



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