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Moods in MOOCs: Analyzing Emotions in the Content of Online Courses with edX-CAS




Nowadays, there is a great variety of approaches aimed at facilitating the effectiveness of the teaching and learning processes. Many of those approaches are based on specific Educational Technologies whose objective is to make the teaching and learning experiences as human as possible. Tools and techniques for the recognition and analysis of emotions in online courses, such as those for the adaptations and the personalization of these courses, are some examples of the aforementioned approaches. At UAM we have designed and developed a tool for extracting and analysing the emotions of our online courses, such as SPOCs and MOOCs. We call this tool edX-CAS, which is the acronym for “Content Analyser System for edX MOOCs”. In this paper, a detailed description of this Tool is presented and an interesting description of current research work in the area of Polarity analysis, Sentiment analysis or Opinion mining in online courses is explained.
机译:如今,有各种各样的方法旨在促进教学和学习过程的有效性。许多方法都是基于具体的教育技术,其目标是使教学和学习的经历成为人类。用于在线课程中识别和分析情绪的工具和技术,例如适应性和这些课程的个性化,是上述方法的一些例子。在UAM,我们设计并开发了一种用于提取和分析我们在线课程的情绪的工具,例如SPOCS和MOOC。我们调用此工具EDX-CAS,这是“EDX MOOCS的内容分析仪系统”的首字母缩写。在本文中,提出了对该工具的详细描述,并解释了在线课程中极性分析,情感分析或意见挖掘的电流研究工作的有趣描述。



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