
Non-determinism in nowadays computing and IT




Once-upon-a time computers and computations they delivered were considered ultimately deterministic. But currently we encounter random events, i.e. non-determinism in many areas of computation practice: non-determinism introduced by network latency, inherently non-deterministic computations with ‘big data’ and ‘deep learning’ where the results are probability distributions with errors, which also are probability distributions and both depend on initial selection of samples etc. For IT education one of the most disturbing sources of non-determinism and non-repeatability of previous examples comes from massive use of libraries and API-s (Application Programming Interface), which has made common the ‘top-down’ style of programming and negligence to practical issues - finiteness of computer memory and speed. Significance of the classical source of knowledge - printed hard-cover books - is diminishing, since by the time books are out of print there are already new versions of programs, new protocols, new technologies and libraries, and these new versions often do not work with old ones. The most relevant source of information has become Internet. But Internet is full of useless sources, since ‘Internet never forgets’ - together with sources describing latest program versions, libraries, technologies etc. there are still around tens of publications which use some by now already outdated program versions, libraries, technologies. Students, who are eager to perform well in the next recruiting interview are spending many evenings trying to swim in this swamp of non-deterministic mess, where most of presented examples are not repeatable. And the situation is becoming worse, since many of authors e.g. YouTube videos do not want to teach, but to earn using Google AdSense.
机译:一次性提供的计算机和计算最终被认为是确定性的。但是目前,我们遇到随机事件,即在计算实践的许多领域都存在不确定性:网络延迟引入的不确定性,具有“大数据”的固有不确定性计算和“深度学习”,其中结果是带有错误的概率分布,这也是概率分布,并且都取决于样本的初始选择等。对于IT教育,先前示例的不确定性和不可重复性最令人困扰的来源之一是大量使用库和API-s(应用程序编程接口) ,这已成为常见的“自上而下”的编程风格,并且忽略了实际问题-计算机内存的有限性和速度。经典知识源(印刷精装书)的重要性正在降低,因为到书籍绝版时,已经有了新版本的程序,新协议,新技术和库,而这些新版本通常不起作用与旧的。最相关的信息来源已成为Internet。但是Internet充满了无用的资源,因为“ Internet永远不会忘记”-连同描述最新程序版本,库,技术等的源。仍然有大约数十种出版物使用了一些已经过时的程序版本,库,技术。渴望在下一次招聘面试中表现出色的学生们花了很多晚上试图在这种不确定的混乱局面中游泳,在这里,大多数示例都是不可重复的。而且由于许多作者例如YouTube视频不想教,但是想通过Google AdSense赚钱。



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