首页> 外文会议>Chinese Control Conference >An online virtual maintenance path search method based on A* algorithm

An online virtual maintenance path search method based on A* algorithm

机译:基于A *算法的在线虚拟维修路径搜索方法



With the increasing of spacecraft launch missions, the number of spacecraft module maintenance tasks also increases, so the path planning link plays a crucial role in the online virtual module maintenance task operation of spacecraft. Since A large amount of qualitative/quantitative method analysis is required in the process of writing the traditional maintenance report, the A* algorithm is adopted in this paper to search the path for the on-orbit module maintenance task of the spacecraft. Firstly, the abstract model of spacecraft in orbit cabin is built with unity 3D, and then the search point is controlled to move to the target point based on C#. Finally, in the process of gradually adjusting C# parameters, the optimal parameters are obtained and the path planned by A* algorithm is displayed. Simulation results show that this method can plan an efficient and safe maintenance path in virtual maintenance environment.
机译:随着航天器发射任务的增加,航天器模块维护任务的数量也增加,因此路径规划链接在航天器在线虚拟模块维护任务操作中起着至关重要的作用。由于在编写传统维护报告的过程中需要进行大量的定性/定量方法分析,因此本文采用A *算法搜索航天器在轨模块维护任务的路径。首先,利用统一的3D构造轨道舱中航天器的抽象模型,然后基于C#控制搜索点移动到目标点。最后,在逐步调整C#参数的过程中,获得了最佳参数,并显示了A *算法规划的路径。仿真结果表明,该方法可以在虚拟维护环境中规划有效,安全的维护路径。



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