首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Engineering Education >Inclusion of a Visual Servoing Project into an Undergraduate Robotic Course

Inclusion of a Visual Servoing Project into an Undergraduate Robotic Course




This paper describes the inclusion of a visual servoing project into an undergraduate robotic course. The robotic platform is a vision-enhanced VEX robot, constructed by integrating the commercially-available VEX robot with the Raspberry PI single-board computer (plus its camera module). This project allows students to go through several key steps in a vision-based control task, including camera calibration, depth recovery, image processing, communication, and basic robot control. Vision-based control, which was once a graduate-level subject, is now exposed to undergraduate students. This project will strengthen students' understanding of relevant topics, expose them to more complex robotic systems, provide them opportunities to program and design in multi-disciplinary areas, and prepare them with a more complete set of knowledge, skills, and hands-on experience to benefit other activities they do at school and beyond. Students' feedback confirms that this project is effective in enhancing their learning. The usage of commercially-available robotic kits & components allows this project to be easily produced at other institutions.
机译:本文介绍了将视觉伺服项目纳入本科机器人课程的过程。该机器人平台是一种视觉增强型VEX机器人,它是通过将商用VEX机器人与Raspberry PI单板计算机(及其摄像头模块)集成在一起而构建的。该项目使学生能够完成基于视觉的控制任务中的几个关键步骤,包括相机校准,深度恢复,图像处理,通信和基本的机器人控制。基于视觉的控制曾经是研究生课程,现在面向本科生。该项目将增强学生对相关主题的理解,使他们接触更复杂的机器人系统,为他们提供在多学科领域进行编程和设计的机会,并为他们提供更完整的知识,技能和动手实践经验使他们在学校及其他地方开展的其他活动受益。学生的反馈证实了该项目可以有效地促进他们的学习。使用市场上可买到的机器人套件和组件,可以很容易地在其他机构进行该项目的生产。



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